You can cancel your Checkout X subscription at any time from the Billing section, here’s how to do it


To cancel your subscription:

  1. Go to the Billing section
  2. Click the button at the bottom of the page called Cancel subscription.
  3. You will see a confirmation pop up.
  4. Click the button: Cancel my subscription
  5. Done, your subscription is canceled

What happens after canceling my subscription?

Your checkout will be deactivated

Canceling your subscription will cause your checkout to be deactivated and the checkout page of your e-commerce platform to be enabled again. However, your profile settings will stay as they are, and if you want to start using Checkout X again - you can simply re-subscribe and continue from where you left before.

You may be charged for your current transaction usage

If you are not currently in your free trial period and you’ve made transactions after your last invoice it means that you have pending transaction commissions.

These will be charged immediately after you cancel your subscription. No further charges will be made on your store. ( If you’re paying manually, the invoice will be due and waiting for payment. )

Checkout X will remain installed on your store

Although you won’t be charged any further and the checkout won’t be shown to your customers, the application will remain on your store. In order to completely remove it, follow our guide: Removing Checkout X 👈👈

How to renew my subscription?


To renew your subscription:

  1. Go to the Billing section