Speed up customer checkouts with Google Places address autofill to increase conversions

How does it work?

Google Places gives your customers instant address autofill for faster checkout completion. The less you ask of a customer to do, the more inclined they will be to complete the purchase which leads to increased conversions.

Once the customer starts filling the address field on checkout, the integration will auto-complete it or provide address suggestions for a faster process.


How can I set up the integration?

I have a Google Cloud account.

If you already have a Google Cloud account, you can skip the next step and go to the second section to find out how to connect Google Places in Checkout X for WooCommerce.

I don’t have a Google Cloud account.

First, you need to create your Google Cloud account. Then, sign up for your Google Places, enable Google Maps and Google Places APIs, and install it in Checkout X following these steps:

STEP 1: Sign up for Google Places:

  1. Log in/Register to your Google Account.
  2. Get started with Google Places in the Google Maps Platform.
  3. Add your Billing information.

STEP 2: Create Project, then add Maps JavaScript API and Places API from the Library:

  1. Log in to the Google Cloud Console and create your project or select an already existing one.
  2. From the list of APIs on the Dashboard, look for Maps JavaScript API and Places API. If you already see both, you can skip the last part of this step.
  3. If the APIs are not listed, enable them by going to the Library tab: