Add your logo, security badges, and favicon to the checkout

Store logo

Add your logo image to the checkout

How can I add my logo to the checkout?

Before you add your logo, you will have text with the default Shopify domain name of your store on the checkout page. If you don’t add an image, it won’t be possible to remove the standard text. Check out the default logo section below 👇


Note: This is where your logo is visually displayed.

Change your Store logo by following these steps👇👇👇:

  1. First, you need to make sure that your logo image is uploaded on the web to be able to copy its URL. If you are not sure where to upload the picture, use a website that has been made for this purpose like
  2. Then, copy the URL of your image (right-click on the picture > select Copy image address).
  3. Go to the Checkout X dashboard.
  4. Click on Configuration.
  5. Go to Customize Checkout.
  6. Find the field Store logo (image URL).
  7. Paste the URL in the field.
  8. Don’t forget to click Save Checkout.
  9. Done!


Can I edit the image or it is standard?